Antenna switch KIT - Six-2-One

Difference between revisions from 2020/04/09 19:24 and 2020/04/09 19:23.
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|C|capacitor|C 10nF and more, 275V and more, 10mm|
|D|diode|THT 1N4007|
|VR|Varistor|On 14V DC+,ex. S07K17|
|K|Relay|double 8A relay like RT424012|
|LED|LED diode|LED diode 3mm or 5mm|
|R|resistor|R 1k 0,25W|
|L|Inductor|Inducros|L|Inductor|Inductor 1 turn D = 10mm, wire 1,5mm|

And wire 0,5 to 1mm for microstrip lines

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!Assembling hints
Soldering HINTs: [PDF file|]