Bypass original controller G450

Difference between revisions from 2019/03/24 21:29 and 2019/03/24 21:28.
How connect directly with a Yaesu G450 rotator bypassing the original controller by GI1MIC
# On CON1 jumper pins 3 and 4 together to pull AREF to +5v
# Jumper P6 AC (pins 5 to 6)
# Remove any jumper from JP1
# Connect 30V 2A AC power supply to pins to pins 9/10 and 5/6 on J1 (the DB15 connector). You could probably use the transformer from the original control unit for this..
# G450 rotator 500ohm pot
**## Rotator connector pin 1 to DB15 pin 15
## Rotator connector pin 2 to DB15 pin 14 (centre wiper)
## Rotator connector pin 3 to DB15 pin 13
# G450 rotator AC motor
**## Rotator connector pin 4 to DB15 pin 3/4
## Rotator connector pin 5 to DB15 pin 7/8
## Rotator connector pin 6 to DB17 pin 5/6 (motor centre to one side of the AC PSU and chassis GND)
'''Note,''' the 500 ohm pot in the rotator seems to work fine without any additional circuitry and gives a voltage swing of 0 to near 5V..