Difference between revisions from 2022/11/12 18:20 and 2021/05/03 14:50.
This wiki included documentation for installation and setup any function of project.
['''←''' {.redka#id color: #f23f37;}NEW wiki page|]{/}
['''←''' {.redka#id color: #f23f37;}NEW wiki for RX, TX and VHF|]{/}

* [Band decoder MK2]
** [IP Switch|IP Switch with ESP32-GATEWAY]
* [Manual IP switch II]
** [IP Switch|IP Switch with ESP32-GATEWAY]
* [Arduino MEGA 63 relay Web switch]
* [RemoteQTH-server] for Raspberry Pi
* [Open interface III]
** [ACC keyboard|ACC Keyboard for Open Interface III]
** [Outdoor GPS|Outdoor GPS module FGPMMOPA6H]
** [IP Switch|IP Switch with ESP32-GATEWAY]
* [Single rotator interface|Rotator module version 3.3]
OLD WIKI pages:
* [CAT-5 and CAT-6 control cable notes]
* [RX - Common-mode current choke]
* [RX - Common-mode current choke for coax and controller cable]
* [RX - RX triplexer (2L)]
* [RX - 3BPF RX filter board]
* [RX - Preamp module 2N5109]
* [RX - RX preamp BOX]
* [RX - Bias Tee BOX]
* [RX - Bias Tee AC DC BOX]
* [RX switch system - Modular 7ANT RX system]
* [RX antenna - Bi-directional 2-wire beverage]
* [RX antenna - 4-way switch for Bi-directional 2-wire beverage]
* [RX antenna - 4-way Bi-dir beverage antenna system]
* [RX antenna - Single wire classic beverage antenna]
* [RX antenna - BOG beverage antenna]
* [RX antenna - BOG vs classic wire beverage]
* [RX antenna - 2el end-fire beverage array antenna]
* [RX antenna - K9AY simply loop feeder]
* [RX antenna - K9AY++ : RX antenna with BPFs, preamp, controller]
* [RX antenna - 2-way RX splitter]
* [RX antenna - 2-way RX splitter small]
* [RX antenna - 2-way RX splitter with bypass relay]
* [RX antenna - 3-way small RX splitter]
* [RX antenna - 3-way small RX splitter in enclosure]
* [TX antenna - 4SQ classic 4 directions 4SQ antenna]
* [TX antenna - 4SQ-8DIR NEW 8 directions 4SQ antenna]
* [TX antenna - 2EL antenna array 4 direction]
* [Un-Un transformer 75:50 Ohms]
* [12x4 modular Antenna switch]
* [ATT - Variable attenuator]
* [Antenna switch KIT - Four-2-One]
* [Antenna switch KIT - Six-2-One]
* [VHF-UHF - LNB 10GHz]
* [VHF-UHF - LNB 10GHz external reference]
[|link=Remote multi rotator control]

* [Band decoder MK1|Band decoder for Arduino]
* [Manual IP switch|IP Remote hardware Switch]
* [Ultra portable remote TS-480]
* [Open interface 2.6|Open interface]
* [Remote multi rotator control]
* [Raspberry PI3-B+ GPIO|Raspberry PI3-B+ GPIO interface board 2.4]
* [6x2 Antenna switch control]
* [PHP contest Log] for remote operation - independent single page
* [Local CW keyer for remote keying]
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