RTTY settings

Difference between revisions from 2016/01/28 22:32 and 2016/01/28 22:21.
[<<- RemoteQTH-server|RemoteQTH-server]
Allows setting [Serial to FSK device|http://remoteqth.com/serial2fsk.php] and macros for web interface. Control available from [play memory page|Send RTTY] or [Simple WEB contest LOG].
Principle of operation

!!Serial to FSK for Arduino
You must first connect Arduino with Serial to fsk firmware to server and configure in [Ser2Net] section
Example ser2net settings.
Next step open RTTY settings and to sets:
* '''Select FSK device''' - enable or disable this function
* '''ser2net TCP port''' - TCP port serial to FSK arduino device preset in [Ser2Net] setting page
* '''FSK memory''' - choose number of memories and preset this
* '''Apply button''' - save the preset changes