RX antenna - BOG

Difference between revisions from 2019/06/02 21:16 and 2019/06/02 21:16.
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rev.0.1 5/2019 by Jan OK2ZAW

!!Feeder BOX
* This box contains of transformer 450 Ohm to 50 or 75 Ohm and protections
* Part list
| PTC_F | PTC 5mm | piece 1 |  PTC 100mA |
| GL | Neon lamp | piece 1 | neon lamp 100V |
| Tr | Transformer | piece 1 | BN-73-6802 |


!!TRANSFORMERS winding - very important thing!
** for 50 ohm coax feed line : 2 turns on primar (coax) and 5 turns on secondar side (loop)
** for 75 ohm coax feed line : 2 turns on primar (coax) and 4 turns on secondar side (loop)

- Transformer should have 4 + 1 turns. So you wind 4 turns and 1 more as a tap.


!!Common mode current choke
* Common mode current choke construction
* Wind 4 turns on one side than cross to another side of cores and wind rest turns.


!!Terminator BOX
* This box contains of Load resistors for the antenna and protections
* Part list
| PTC_F | PTC 5mm | piece 1 |  PTC 100mA |
| GL | Neon lamp | piece 1 | neon lamp 100V |
| R1 | Resistor 2W | piece 1 | Ohm 750 |
| R2 | Resistor 2W | piece 1 | Ohm 330 |
| R3 | Resistor 2W | piece 1 | Ohm 470 |
| R4 | Resistor 2W | piece 1 | Ohm 560 |
