RX antenna - Single wire classic beverage

Difference between revisions from 2021/09/09 10:12 and 2021/09/09 10:12.
[<-- Web page|https://remoteqth.com/single-wire-beverage.php]
[<-- More nice construction informations at web by Bruce "Swede" K1FZ|https://www.qsl.net/k1fz/beverage_antenna.html?fbclid=IwAR3XCAfRxRd3w6-eHLwgkXVoSeuDcoq6pGi_Rn2C4NrIVap_yWxO7TIGHGQ]

!! Constructon: Wire in the air
*[NEW MANUAL REVISION ARE THERE|https://hamparts.shop/blog/single-wire-classic-beverage-manual.html]
* [Classic[OLD: Classic beverage antenna|RX antenna - Single wire classic beverage antenna]
!! Constructon: BOG: Beverage in the air
*[NEW MANUAL REVISION THERE|https://hamparts.shop/blog/single-wire-beverage-on-ground-manual.html]
* [BOG[OLD: BOG - Beverage On Ground|RX antenna - BOG beverage antenna]
