Solutions for HAM IV rotator - remove ground center and connect new wire

Difference between revisions from 2016/07/15 00:48 and 2016/07/15 00:45.
[<--Single rotator interface|Rotator module version 3.3]

* Circuits [cde AC rotator|]
* How-to mechanically remove grounded center and connect by [three wire|]
❏ Open the rotator
❏ Unmount azimuth potentiometer
❏ Center disconnect from ground
❏ And solder to new wire
❏ Insulate the center notch
❏ Assemble rotator back - '''Attention - properly fitted upper part on the  of the potentiometer with respect to an end stop'''

[<--Single rotator interface|Rotator module version 3.3]