n2n VPN

This revision is from 2013/02/03 19:03. You can Restore it.

Configure n2n VPN

  • n2n Supernode: IP or URL, can have maximum 15 characters.
  • Supernode port: IP port value must be from 1 to 65535.
  • Login (same as Callsign): as Login is use your Callsign.
  • New password: must be at longer of 8 characters.
  • Server ip address: IP adres your server in VPN network.

How to connect to RemoteQTH server with Windows

  1. Download n2n client from ntop.org and install.
  • Start shell as Administrator (Menu start -> Exec -> cmd (right mouse click -> as Administrator, enter))

  • change to n2n directory cd <my n2n directory>\bin


Once n2 is installed you need to open
a shell (Menu start -> Exec -> cmd (enter))
and do:
- cd <my n2n directory>\bin
- edge.exe -c <my community> -a <my IP address> -k <encryption key> -l <supernode IP:port>

edge.exe -c mycommunity -a -k my_key -l

Type edge.exe -h for help.

How to connect to RemoteQTH server with Linux

Client side connect to vpn with

sudo edge  -d edge0 -l [node]:[port] -c [login] -k [password] -a [ip] -f