n2n VPN

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Configure n2n VPN

  • n2n Supernode: IP or URL, can have maximum 15 characters.
  • Supernode port: IP port value must be from 1 to 65535.
  • Login (same as Callsign): as Login is use your Callsign.
  • New password: must be at longer of 8 characters.
  • Server ip address: IP adres your server in VPN network.

How to connect to RemoteQTH server from Windows

  1. Setup VPN on your RemoteQTH server

  1. Download n2n client from ntop.org and install.
  2. Start shell as Administrator (Menu start -> Exec -> cmd (right mouse click -> as Administrator, enter))
  3. change to n2n directory
    cd <my n2n directory>\bin
  4. run vpn
    edge.exe -c <my community> -a <my IP address> -k <encryption key> -l <supernode IP:port>
    Client command you can copy from server VPN form. Example:
    edge.exe -l remoteqth.com:82 -c ok1hra -k 12345678 -a
  5. Open server ip adress on your web browser

How to connect to RemoteQTH server with Linux

Client side connect to vpn with

sudo edge  -d edge0 -l [node]:[port] -c [login] -k [password] -a [ip] -f