Local CW keyer for remote keying
This revision is from 2014/04/19 10:48. You can Restore it.
Principle - arduino keyer identifies the played characters (enabled echo feature in K3NG code) and sending to server for playing with other hardware of the cw keyer or cw daemon (contains RemoteQTH server for Raspberry PI). This configuration is resistant to change internet latency during transmission, because not transmitted separately each dit/dash, but the entire ASCII character that perfectly transmiting the server side.
Main functions:
- CW keying
- Detect keying characters and show on the LCD
- Send keying characters to USB serial (echo mode)
- CW sidetone during the PTT is ON, otherwise play audio from RX
- Sidetone volume
- Four SET/MEM switch
After upload K3NG firmware with enabled CLI function, open Serial monitor (Carriage return, 115200 baud) and enable paddle echo with command \*
Connecting in Linux
socat -x UDP: /dev/ttyUSB0,raw,echo=0
arduino keyer available at tcp ip over ser2net
Circuit diagram
- Jumper JP1 choose output between headphone and external out on P1
- K1 prepared for connection CW speed potentiometer
- RV1 set CW sidetone volume
- RV2 preset LCD contrast
✔ Components
❏ Solder J2, D1, D2
❏ All parts of backside (C1 sign wrong polarity on PCB)
❏ J1, four TACT switch
❏ Insert Arduino Nano