Open interface

This revision is from 2014/05/30 12:17. You can Restore it.

Front side

  • KEYER - CW speed potentiometer.
  • SET - button menu of CW keyer.
  • 1-3 - memory button (hold 1 or 2, switches CW output between CW/PTT 1 and 2).
  • CW - red light LED.
  • PTT - green light LED.
  • FSK - blue light LED.
  • X - green light LED (reserved outputs from Arduino).
  • + - increase transmit audio volume button.
  • - - decrease transmit audio volume button.
  • M - mute transmit audio button.
  • RX audio - receive audio volume potentiometer.

Back side

  • -
  • -

Block diagram

Preset jumper

  • SW1 - DTR/RTS outputs ON/OFF - because the specifications of winkey defines default as ON, you need to have the ability to disable the outputs.
  • JP2 - switch DTR between FSK or CW outputs.
  • JP1 - switch CAT interface between Icom CI-V and Kenwood/Yaesu UART.
  • JP3 - acess DC to your microphone (short) - suitable for electret microphone.
  • JP3 - Analog ground for codec - default short.