Rotator module version 3.1

This revision is from 2014/06/10 14:43. You can Restore it.

Components of Multi rotator controller server

Version 3.1 in addition to the 3.0 version only circuit to stabilize the voltage measured azimuth - AREF compensates for slight decrease voltage at relay switching, so there is no need of external power supply to measure the azimuth.

Circuit diagram

Planting plan

Part list

P1,P2 strip 9 pins
P3,P4 strip 13 pins
P5 pin array_3x2
R4,R6,R7,R8 k510 ohm
S1,S2,S3 tact led sw
U1 LCD-16x2
U3 Preset encoder
C1,C2,C3,C4 capacity 4n7
CON1 pin array 5x2
D1,D2,D3,D4 diode 1n4148
J1 DB15 female connector
L1,L2 inductor 100uH
R1,R2,R3,R5 resistor 1k
RV1 potentiometer 1k
U2 ArduinoNano3.0
P6 pin_array_3x2
RL1,RL2,RL3 Relay
Q1,Q2,Q3 transistor BC547

✔ All components

❏ Solder R4 R6 R7 R8 (marked in blue)

❏ 13 and 9 pins 90° strip

❏ 16 pins strip to LCD

❏ Insulating spacer washers between LCD and PCB

❏ LCD module to PCB

❏ CW, CCW and START switch (marked in blue) and preset encoder, Now front panel is final

❏ Next R1 R2 R3 R5 (marked in black) and R9 solder on main board

❏ D1 D2 D3 D4 (marked in red)

❏ L1 L2 (marked in green)

❏ Q1 Q2 Q3

❏ C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 and C6

❏ 6 pins of brake sw, Inputs connector, R9, DIL cocketfor Arduino NANO

❏ F15 connector, three relay, Arduino nano

❏ last solder front panel via pin strip


Configure Arduino firmware by K3NG

  1. Download stable or unstable and doc
  2. Change custom pins.h
    • Enable External Analog reference
      • in unstable code
        #define OPTION_EXTERNAL_ANALOG_REFERENCE  //Activate external analog voltage reference (needed for unit)
      • in stable code activate this function with insert analogReference(EXTERNAL); to arduino code before analog_az = analogRead(rotator_analog_az); in master .ino file
            analog_az = analogRead(rotator_analog_az);
    • rotator_features.h presets (delete // at the lines)
      • Enable LCD Display
        #define FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY
      • Enable azimuth voltage potentiometer
    • Possible change the Baud rate to 9600 (at K3NG source code its 115.k baud the preset)
      #define SERIAL_BAUD_RATE 9600

Connect Rotator (DB15 female) and power inputs

Phase jumper (5+6 CON1) change relay function between DC (change phase voltage) and AC (change direction).

Pin 3 in CON1 - input 5V stabilized voltage from power board This pin may be connected with pin4 CON1, then the voltage measurement uses a common 5V voltage from the power supply module.

The entire module can be powered from USB only, but there is a voltage drop, it is better to use an external source, or a DC/DC converter.