Hardware requirements

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RemoteQTH server runing on Raspberry PI. But this platform has hardware limits in use ethernet adapter simultaneously with usb port (when used ser2net), it is possible to install RemoteQTH server on other hardware (for example ALIX1D).

Funkcionality RPI ALIX
Sensors I2C n/a

Original Raspbian “wheezy” Debian distribution upgrade for any scripts and web interface for easy configure the server. This server runs on Raspberry Pi (Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation).

Other hardware components

...later, menawhile only photos

Status LCD - NO longer supported

How to connect.

i2c temperature sensor and A/D converter

LM75 temperature sensor HEX address switch table

A0 A1 A2 HEX
- - - 48
- - x 49
- x - 4a
- x x 4b
x - - 4c
x - x 4d
x x - 4e
x x x 4f

Arduino k3ng rotor controller