PHP contest Log

This revision is from 2015/11/23 08:32. You can Restore it.

Experiment with loging and keying on remote server via web browswer. This form is very simple without additions, but allow basic work in contest. Now this page integrated to RemoteQTH-server

Desktop printscreen


Necessary components:


directly in the PHP code

  • setup
    $IP = '' ;              // CW keyer IP 
    $log = '2014-wae';               // log file name
    $cwcliport = '11002';            // CW TCP port (ser2net)
    $rigip = '' ;           // hamlib TRX IP (rigctld)
  • cw memory
    $call = 'OK1OEA';                //
    $CQ = $call.' '.$call.' TEST';   //
    $EXCH = $callr.' 5nn '.$qsonrs;  // $cwtwxt = call in input form, $qsonrs = QSO nr
    $EXCHSP = '5nn '.$qsonrs;        //
    $EXCHSP2 = '5nn '.($qsonrs-1);   // Exchange previous QSO
    $TU = 'tu '.$call ;              //