6x2 Antenna switch control

This revision is from 2016/12/21 18:13. You can Restore it.

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Front side

  • LCD - shows selected antenna - first line Input/Output 1, second line Input/Output 2
  • MENU - light button. For activate press button more than 0,5 second. Green light signals if manual control activate.
  • ENCODER - rotary encoder primary move cursor, after activate MENU you can select antenna outputs manual or back activate BCD inputs.

Rear side

  • DC POWER - input jack 5,5/2,1 mm size for DC power between 12-14 Volts. Same Power on pin8 ANT outputs.
  • ETHERNET - OPTIONAL module for controlled switch manual over simple web page.
  • microSD - not implemented.
  • BCD IN - band data inputs activate two levels, dependency to JP8 jumper
    • HIGH - TTL voltage input
    • LOW - grounded input (contains own 1k pull up resistor)
  • PTT TRX - grounded activate input PTT from transceiver (contains own 1k pull up resistor)
  • PTT PA - PTT continues from TRX to this output for power amplifier. If detect collision between inputs band, this output will be deactivate.
  • ANT - six outputs, will be in two levels dependency to preset JP1 and JP2 jumper. Also 12V DC power and ground available.
    • ULN if use internal driver ULN2803A - open collector 500 mA each outputs
    • UDN if use internal source 12V power driver UDN2580A.

Left side

  • From the left side is accessible USB mini connector from Arduino NANO, which is usable for upload new firmware.

Block diagram

Board preset

Before opening has to be removed eight screws

    • three on left side
    • three on right side
    • two on rear side

LCD contrast

  • with potentiometer RV1 - near left side LCD module

Inputs BCD Levels

  • JP8 to HIGH - activate BCD inputs with TTL signal level (1k ohm pull-down resistor).
  • And uncoment line in firmware
    #define inputHigh          // enable input High level (default)

  • JP8 to LOW - activate BCD inputs to ground (1k ohm pull up resistor).
  • And coment line in firmware
    //#define inputHigh          // enable input High level (default)

Outputs Antenna switching

This jumper must be set dependency to used U4 and U7 IO chip - do not change before change chip!

ULN - for ULN2803A open collector driver - switching antenna relay with grounded outputs.

UDN - for UDN2580A source 12V power driver - switching antenna relay with 12V power outputs.

Cable connect

  • BCD IN - Input band data from TRX 1 or 2

  • Antenna outputs - Switched anntenas for TRX 1 or 2

  • PTT TRX - input PTT cinch from transceiver (grounding activate).
  • PTT PA - output PTT cinch to power amplifier - if controller detect collision, disconnect signal from transceiver PTT.
  • 12V - DC Power input (positive center) 12-14V. Same Power on pin8 ANT outputs.



  • upload via mini USB connector on left side enclosure
  • with preset
    • Board: "Arduino Nano"
    • Processor: "ATmega328"
  • if enable Ethernet
    • download ethernet2 library https://github.com/adafruit/Ethernet2
    • find and open file Dhcp.h and replace line
        int beginWithDHCP(uint8_t *, unsigned long timeout = 60000, unsigned long responseTimeout = 5000);  
        int beginWithDHCP(uint8_t *, unsigned long timeout = 6000, unsigned long responseTimeout = 5000);

Configure firmware

  • Description antennas - show on LCD and web page
    char* ant[] = {
      "All OUT off",  // <-- do not change this line
      "160m Vert.",
      " 80m Dipole",
      " 40m Moxon",
      " 30m Dipole",
      " 20m 2x 5el",
      " 10m 4x 6el",
      "M-off->BCD",  // <-- do not change this line
  • Inputs
    • JP8 to HIGH - activate BCD inputs with TTL signal level (1k ohm pull-down resistor). And uncoment line
      #define inputHigh          // enable input High level (default)
    • JP8 to LOW - activate BCD inputs to ground (1k ohm pull up resistor). And coment line
      //#define inputHigh          // enable input High level (default)

#define Inputs      6      // number of antenna used ** not implemented **
#define Ports       2      // number of - IN/OUT pair devices and LCD lines (support from 2 to 4)
#define LCDculumn  16      //
#define inputHigh          // enable input High level (default)
//#define serialECHO       // enable TX echo on serial port
#define SERBAUD    9600    // [baud] Serial port baudrate
//#define EthModule          // enable Ethernet module
#define __USE_DHCP__                    // Uncoment to Enable DHCP       <-----------
IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 220);         // IP
IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 1, 200);    // GATE
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);     // MASK
IPAddress myDns(8, 8, 8, 8);            // DNS (google pub)
EthernetServer server(80);              // server PORT

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