RX antenna - CONTROLLER for K9AY and 4-way Bi-DIR beverage system

This revision is from 2018/01/14 22:22. You can Restore it.

rev.1 1/2018 by Jan OK2ZAW

Quick Start Guide

Where are your feeders?555

Where are your feeders?555

Where are your feeders?555

Where are your feeders?555

Where are your feeders?555

Where are your feeders?555

Where are your feeders?555

Where are your feeders?555

Where are your feeders?555

Where are your feeders?555

Where are your feeders?555

Where are your feeders?555

Where are your feeders?555

Where are your feeders?555

Where are your feeders

  • Everyone has different antenna configuration and also feeders could be on different places.
  • Controller allows you to set right Jumpers (JP) and follows your instalation.
  • Thare are all 4 combinations
  • Where there are Terminators and Feeders (Bi-directional beverage).

  • And Table with voltages for all configurations: