K9AY and Bi-dir beverage controller

This revision is from 2018/09/18 21:50. You can Restore it.

K9AY and 4-way Bi-dir beverage Controller

  • This controller allows you to control:
    • Simply K9AY - link
    • K9AY++ RF box - link
    • Bi-DIR beverage TWO directions
    • Bi-DIR beverage FOUR directions with 4-way switch - link
    • You can use some features for more RX antennas

Internal BPF and preamp PCB - OPTIONAL

  • This os OPTION PCB or is included in CONTROLLER+ version

Preamplifier GAIN

  • With the variable ATT you can set gain of the Preamp as you need.
  • Range is 0 to 17 dB
  • bigger picture