K9AY and Bi-dir beverage controller

This revision is from 2018/09/18 22:18. You can Restore it.

K9AY and 4-way Bi-dir beverage Controller

  • This controller allows you to control:
    • Simply K9AY - link (could be only over coax)
    • K9AY++ RF box - link (coax + ctrl cable)
    • Bi-DIR beverage TWO directions - link (only over coax)
    • Bi-DIR beverage FOUR directions with 4-way switch - link (only over coax)
    • You can use some features for more RX antennas

  • 1 - Direction switch
  • 2 - Direction LED indication (0 or 45 deg see below)
  • 3 - Variable Rload in K9AY loop - Only for K9AY with variable Rload circuit
  • 4 - Band Pass Filters - Only if internal BPF-Preamp PCB (see below) is insalled or for K9AY++
  • 5 - Preamplifier On/OFF with LED indication
  • 6 - Red LED means PTT ON.
  • 7 - RXing from TX antenna
  • 8 - RXing from RX antenna port
  • 9 - Fast manual switch for RX antenna (see below)

RX ANT WAY switch

Internal BPF and preamp PCB - OPTIONAL

  • This is OPTIONAL PCB or it is included in CONTROLLER+ version

Preamplifier GAIN

  • With the variable ATT you can set gain of the Preamp as you need.
  • Range is 0 to 17 dB
  • bigger picture

Preamplifier BIAS

  • With this trimmer you can set right bias for the transistor.
  • Bias vs IP3 and gain parameters are there: OK2ZAW's blog spot
  • recomended bias is 60 to 85 mA for 13 V+
  • bigger picture

BPF bypass

  • You can use one of three BPF (160, 80 or 40m) or you can ByPass it for wideband operation
  • Controller by switch on the front panel - number 4 on controller
  • bigger picture