Icom CI-V stepper

This revision is from 2019/05/12 21:59. You can Restore it.

Icom CI-V stepper allows tuning with stepper motor Nema 17 some devices dependancy to Icom frequency

Quick start guide

  1. Connect hardware (Stepper, Endstop switch, Power Supply, TX inhibit output, CAT)
  2. Configure over USB CLI




BCD input


TX Inhibit output

Power supply

USB Command Line Interface (CLI)


For upload firmware you have two possibilities

  1. Download source from GitHub and compile in Arduino IDE
    1. Install EEPROM library
  2. Download compiled binary from release page and upload with some tool
    1. for example avrdude or Xloader for windows

Firmware source

contains some settings which does not available from CLI

  • Time (second number in ms) after which reduce stepper current and save last position to eeprom, if disable endstop
    long CurrentRunTimeout[2] = {0,1000};
  • Enable serial debug if uncoment this line
    #define SERIAL_debug
  • CLI baudrate, default is 115200
    const int BAUDRATE0 = 115200;