RX antenna - 4-way Bi-dir beverage antenna system

This revision is from 2020/11/12 17:19. You can Restore it.

rev.1 5/2019 by Jan OK2ZAW

This is low noise receiveing antenna system for 4 directions in 90 deg angles (can be different, just controller has got LEDs in 90 deg order). This antenna consists of 2 x Bi-dir beverage sets, 4-way antenna switch and controller. That all allows you to have 4 directions beverage system with only one coax line to the controller. Controller could have internal optional PCB with 3 BPFs, preamp and protections. There is also RX ant switch for TRX which does not have input for RX antenna.



  • This controller allows you to control:
    • Simply K9AY - link (could be only over coax)
    • K9AY++ RF box - link (coax + ctrl cable)
    • Bi-DIR beverage TWO directions - link (only over coax)
    • Bi-DIR beverage FOUR directions with 4-way switch - link (only over coax)
    • You can use some features for more RX antennas

Controller instructions

  • Controller full manual! link

4 direction switch box

  • Middle switch between a pair of Bi-DIR beverages antennas
  • More here: link

How to connect it

  • There are two Bi-dir beverages in the field.
  • You can place this pairs as you need.
  • The example is in 90deg, than you can RX signals from 45, 135, 225 and 315 deg.
  • You need one coax from the each Bi-dir beverage antenna. Coaxial cables go to middle 4-way (4 direction) switch.
  • Than only one coax goes to the controller.
  • How to prepare it:
    • Positions of the antenna in field depends at your possibilities
    • If you want to use it in 90 deg cross, than go to next part and select which combination is good for you
    • Depends on this configuration you need to select right Jumpers at the Front Panel in the Controller (open enclosure)
    • Rear switch at Controller must be switched to 4-way position
    • Enjoy your low band DXing :)

NOTE: There are the common-mode current filters which help you to obtain as low antenna noise as possible. But do not forget to good grounding, not only for antennas but also for 4-way switch.

Where are your feeders

  • Everyone has different antenna configuration and also feeders could be on different places.
  • Controller allows you to set right Jumpers (JP) and follows your instalation. More here: link
  • Thare are all 4 combinations
  • Where there are Terminators and Feeders (Bi-directional beverage).
  • SHORT jumpers for right 4-way Bi-DIR beverage orientation. More here: link