PHP contest Log

Server integrated version ->>

Experiment with loging and keying on remote server via web browswer. This form is very simple without additions, but allow basic work in contest. Now this page integrated to RemoteQTH-server

Desktop printscreen


Necessary components:


directly in the PHP code

  • setup
    $IP = '' ;              // CW keyer IP 
    $log = '2014-wae';               // log file name
    $cwcliport = '11002';            // CW TCP port (ser2net)
    $rigip = '' ;           // hamlib TRX IP (rigctld)
  • cw memory
    $call = 'OK1OEA';                //
    $CQ = $call.' '.$call.' TEST';   //
    $EXCH = $callr.' 5nn '.$qsonrs;  // $cwtwxt = call in input form, $qsonrs = QSO nr
    $EXCHSP = '5nn '.$qsonrs;        //
    $EXCHSP2 = '5nn '.($qsonrs-1);   // Exchange previous QSO
    $TU = 'tu '.$call ;              //