
<<- RemoteQTH-server

For finding adress equipment on I2C bus you can use a pop-up window

After plug I2C device press refresh button and read adress your device


You can enable up to 'eight temperature sensors, or disable.

  • I2C adress: must be two hexadecimal numbers.
  • Temp 2 name: can have maximum 25 characters.

A/D converter

You can enable up to 'two A/D converter, or disable. Every converter included four input

  • I2C adress: must be two hexadecimal numbers.
  • Temp 2 name: can have maximum 25 characters. If set the name as n/a input will be disable in controll page.
  • Coefficient: this sis coefficient of voltage divider, each input can have a different.
  • Ftom/To: value limits for setting collor in controll section.

LM75 temperature sensor HEX address switch table

A0 A1 A2 HEX
- - - 48
- - x 49
- x - 4a
- x x 4b
x - - 4c
x - x 4d
x x - 4e
x x x 4f