IP Remote hardware Switch

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The hardware

Relay front side

  • 1-16 - green LED signalized switched relay.
  • white square - sign defines the type of equipment.

Relay back side

  • DATA - not used.
  • USB - +5V DC POWER supply, or upload arduino firmware (needs open jumper JP5).
  • ETHERNET - RJ45 LAN connector.
  • OUTPUTS - 14 relay outputs and GND

Control switch

  • 1-11 - rotary switch.
  • 12-15 - four rock switch with LED.
  • 16 - pushbutton.
  • LINKED - green LED signalized:
    • connect with relay board over IP LAN
    • latency (delay) same as LED OFF time.

How to connect

  1. connect LAN UTP cable direct or via switch (configure connect via internet in a separate chapter)
  2. plug power via usb mini cable to AC adapter, computer or usb HUB

Network setup


For beginners Getting Started with Arduino.

Before uploade new firmware needed

  • relay - remove top cover, and open jumper JP5
  • control - remove right-bottom cover and open jumper JP6

After upload set back opened jumpers.

Source code contains several settings that affect the characteristics of IP Switch.

  • #define CONTROL - uncomment activate code for control, comment for relay board.
  • #define controlCFG - uncoment enable reconfigurable network - need set configure array (only control).
  • #define delayC - time, are waiting for answers, after timeout linked led OFF, and resend data, default value 2000 ms.
  1. define delayR 10 // sec Relay determines the time, after which the relay parking
  2. define parking 11 // out Relay 1-11 parking output after timeout - optimally for grounded antenna

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