Web switch Relay 0.2 assembly

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R 16x resistor 1k
D 16x LED diode
P5,P8 header 2x10pin
Terminal 2x double
Terminal 16x triple
Relay 16x SPDT
Flat cable 20pin about 30cm
Pressing connector two
Six distance spacers

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❏ Solder all 16 resistor on top side

❏ All 16 LED on top side - attention to the polarity, LONG wire to left side

❏ Two 20 pin header - attention to the orientation <- Left header key Top | Right header key Down ->

❏ Two double and sixteen triple terminal

❏ All 16 Relays on top side

❏ Six distance screw to mounting holes

❏ Pressing two connector to flat cable - attention to the orientation, both ends must be in same orientation compared to cable.

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