K9AY feeder with BPF

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K9AY design RX antenna feeder


  • Cable wiring circuits

Quick Start Guide


Main function


RX antenna


4 directions

Needs small room

Great for portable operations

50/75 ohm feed line version

Good for phasing more pieces into the array

PREAMP with about 15db gain

Three switchable BPFs or BYPASS

Two versions

Variable load resistor - RLOAD

Fixed load resistor - RLOAD

Common-mode coax choke icluded.

Common-mode controller cable choke icluded.

High voltage electrostatic protection with neon lamps.

High power IN/OUT protection with PTC.

Controlled by RJ-45 UTP CAT-6 cable.

Stainless connections screws.

Quality PTFE SO-239 connector. N or F connector on request

IP56 box.

Size 10x10 cm (feeder).

Available as

Assembled product

Assembled product with CONTROLLER


Connector description

  • There is standart RJ45 (ETHERNET) connector with shielding

  • Connector PIN description:

  • direction logic ( apply +12V for logic 1 )

Rload - checking the resistance

  • Connect Ohm meter to this position and measure value vs input Rload VTL voltage - PIN 6 on RJ45 connector

Preamp BIAS - SET/check current and voltage

  • Connect Volt-meter to GND and jumper JP1. Measure voltage ( PREAMP ON ), it should be more than 11V. ( if you want HIGHer IP3, than it could be 15V / 80mA :) )
  • DISconnect jumper JP1 and connect mA meter on the pins ( 200mA scale is fine ). Turn with R4 multi-turn trimmer and set bias to 65 - 85mA. You can have a look at my measurements: 2N5109 OIP3 vs voltage and bias