TX antenna - 4SQ-8DIR NEW 8 directions 4SQ antenna

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This is TX-RX antenna mainly for lower bands. It is based on classic4SQ with 90deg phase hybrid. Construction is similar to K3LC design.

Very very nice document about classic 4SQ is from Franz DF6QV

Quick Start Guide

  • NOTE: Input SWR of the hybrid is not SWR of the antenna!!!

Connector description

  • There is standart RJ45 (ETHERNET) connector with shielding

  • There is standart D-SUB 15 female connector with shielding

  • Table

SWR LED bar settings

  • NOTE: Input SWR of the hybrid is not SWR of the antenna!!!
  • SWR Range trimmer - Range of PWR in dummy load

Setting step by step

    • Connect TRX (PA) to the 4SQ-8DIR hybrid - to Input port
    • Connect Dummy load to the Dummy Load port ( you can insert PWR meter too )
    • DO NOT connect any antenna element - leave it open
    • Than when you TX (RTTY mode) all power goes to the dummy load port
    • Connect controller box and open it
    • There is SET SWR trimmer (blue one)
    • With this trimmer you can set full range of LED bar for prefered MAX power in dummy load

NOTE: Do not forget thar SWR 2:1 on antenna elements is 1/10 of INPUT power to dummy load!! So for 1kW and SWR 2:1 is 100W in DL. There is no problem to have only a few Watts in DL when the antenna elements are right tuned!

    • So set TRX power to your max PWR you want have in dummy load and set SET SWR trimmer to full LED bar range
    • When LAST red LED is on, than PTT loop is disconnected * see jumpers setting

TUNNING ANT elements

NOTE: Input SWR of the hybrid is not SWR of the antenna!!!

NOTE: If you do not connect any ANT into all 4 ports, SWR on you TRX is very close to 1:1 but ALL power is going tu dummy load = ANT SWR is ∞:1!!!

NOTE: Do not forget thar SWR 2:1 on antenna elements is 1/10 of INPUT power to dummy load!! So for 1kW and SWR 2:1 is 100W in DL. There is no problem to have only a few Watts in DL when the antenna elements are right tuned!

Jumpers setting


  • Cable wiring circuits