7ANT splitter

This revision is from 2019/05/06 22:56. You can Restore it.

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  • Very important thing!
    • Splitter can be switched ON and OFF - for every port independently !!!
    • without power supply, splitter is OFF - signal from ANT goes to RX1 - see picture
    • with supply voltage (+ 12 V) splitter is ON and signal is splitted from ANT port to RX1 and RX2
    • You can switch ONLY some splitters ON!

  • NOTE: Every ANT port does have own splitter! You can switch splitters only on some ports! Without supply voltage there is only bypassfrom ANT to RX1 port!


  • Set right impedance !
    • with jumpers you can set right impedance of splitter - 50 or 75 Ohms
    • for every port independant!
  • bigger PCB