7ANT splitter

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The splitter or combiner is a very useful device. It can provide equal voltages, equal current, or equal power to matched or unmatched loads. Like all passive splitters and combiners, this device is less than ideal. Isolation is maximum only when at least one port are properly terminated. In this case isolation between the two splitted/combinated ports is maximum when the main port is properly terminated. This HW is designed only for RX line. There are some more high current and voltage protections on all ports. Both impedances 50 or 75 Ohm can be selected by the jumper.

This is the box which allows you to split (up to 7) RX antennas to 2 RX. You can take advantage of this for 2 independant RX on band(s). You can insert this splitter between two 7 RX ANT SWITCHes and there is complete solution for 2 independant RX on band.

Splitter is controlled by +12V. If there is no power supply, signal goes from ANT to OUT1. If you apply +12V to the port, than signal is splitted to OUT 1 and OUT 2.


  • Splitting up to 7 RX antennas into TWO RX
  • With the modular 7ANT RX switch you can have TWO independant RX on each band!


  • Very important thing!
    • Splitter can be switched ON and OFF - for every port independently !!!
    • without power supply, splitter is OFF - signal from ANT goes to RX1 - see picture
    • with supply voltage (+ 12 V) splitter is ON and signal is splitted from ANT port to RX1 and RX2
    • You can switch ONLY some splitters ON!

  • NOTE: Every ANT port does have own splitter! You can switch splitters only on some ports! Without supply voltage there is only bypassfrom ANT to RX1 port!


  • Set right impedance !
    • with jumpers you can set right impedance of splitter - 50 or 75 Ohms
    • for every port independant!
  • bigger PCB