
<<- RemoteQTH-server

From SD card image for RaspberryPI

Download Image file and write to SD card - more here

Server default set to DHCP enable

  • web interface login 'yourcall' and password '1234'
  • server ip address see from console
    and read IP address eth0 device (edge0 is vpn device).
  • alternative install Fing to you android phone and find Raspberry device in your private site.


  • boot with HDMI display and usb keyboard
  • login as pi to shell with password raspberry
  • run
    sudo raspi-config
    and set expand_rootfs.

From rsync repository (RaspberryPi)

List of commands for Raspian wheezy after ssh login or local access from console as root (without warranty). This commands also use on other system with small changes, dependency to hardware.

  • On any other linux system change use name pi to your username.

Install need package

sudo su
echo 'remoteqth' > /etc/hostname
apt-get install htop iftop mc vim screen apache2 php5 libhamlib2 libhamlib-utils rsync i2c-tools ser2net python-smbus n2n cwdaemon xplanet xplanet-images rcconf imagemagick gnuplot libqrencode3 libqrencode-dev php5-gd ntp bc socat tucnak2 locate telnet

Download RemoteQTH server repository

mkdir /home/pi/remoteqth
chown pi:pi /home/pi/remoteqth/
rsync -rva --numeric-ids --delete rsync:// /home/pi/remoteqth/

Kernel parameters for fixing USB problems

at the beginning of the file /boot/cmdline.txt add parameter


File access

echo '/home/pi/remoteqth' > /etc/remoteqth-path
chown pi:www-data /etc/remoteqth-path
chmod 664 /etc/remoteqth-path

chown root:www-data /etc/network/interfaces
chmod 664 /etc/network/interfaces

chown root:www-data /etc/resolv.conf
chmod 664 /etc/resolv.conf

gpasswd -a www-data gpio

echo "caption always '%-Lw%{= BW}%50>%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%<'" >> /etc/screenrc

i2c (raspberryPi only)

sed -i s/blacklist\ spi-bcm2708/#blacklist\ spi-bcm2708/g /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf
sed -i s/blacklist\ i2c-bcm2708/#blacklist\ i2c-bcm2708/g /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf
echo 'i2c-dev' >> /etc/modules

gpio (RaspberryPi)

cp /home/pi/remoteqth/script/gpio /etc/init.d/gpio
chmod 774 /etc/init.d/gpio
update-rc.d gpio defaults


echo ' ' > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-remoteqth.rules
chown pi:www-data /etc/udev/rules.d/99-remoteqth.rules
chmod 664 /etc/udev/rules.d/99-remoteqth.rules

ln -s /home/pi/remoteqth/script/cwudp.service /etc/systemd/system/cwudp.service
ln -s /home/pi/remoteqth/script/fskudp.service /etc/systemd/system/fskudp.service
ln -s /home/pi/remoteqth/script/rig.service /etc/systemd/system/rig.service
ln -s /home/pi/remoteqth/script/bd.service /etc/systemd/system/bd.service
systemctl daemon-reload


set config

sed -i s/DEVICE=\"parport0\"/DEVICE=\"\"/g /etc/default/cwdaemon


set access

chown pi:www-data /etc/ser2net.conf
chmod 664 /etc/ser2net.conf


raspistill (by m1m1 ยป Fri May 17, 2013 12:01 pm) from git, source 2


apt-get install screen git nodejs npm
nodejs --version
ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
node --version
npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red

cp remoteqth/script/node_red /etc/init.d/node_red 
chmod 755 remoteqth/script/node_red
update-rc.d node_red defaults

From rsync repository (BeagleboneBlack rev C)

connect serial debug

  • pinout J1
    || .  1 GND
    || .
    || .
    || .  4 RXD
    || .  5 TXD
    || .
  • 115200 baud
    • 8 bits
    • NO parity
    • 1 stopbit
  • serial/ssh login: debian, pass: temppwd
  • sudo su
  • apt get-update && apt-get upgrade

Install need package

echo 'remoteqth' > /etc/hostname
apt-get install htop iftop mc vim screen apache2 php5 libhamlib2 libhamlib-utils rsync i2c-tools ser2net python-smbus n2n cwdaemon xplanet xplanet-images rcconf imagemagick gnuplot libqrencode3 libqrencode-dev php5-gd bc socat ntp

Download RemoteQTH server repository

mkdir /home/debian/remoteqth
chown debian:debian /home/debian/remoteqth/
rsync -rva --numeric-ids --delete rsync:// /home/debian/remoteqth/

File access

echo '/home/debian/remoteqth' > /etc/remoteqth-path
chown debian:www-data /etc/remoteqth-path
chmod 664 /etc/remoteqth-path

chown root:www-data /etc/network/interfaces
chmod 664 /etc/network/interfaces

chown root:www-data /etc/resolv.conf
chmod 664 /etc/resolv.conf


Check default ports 80 on vim /etc/apache2/ports.conf

Disable Preloaded Services


systemctl disable cloud9.service
systemctl disable gateone.service
systemctl disable bonescript.service
systemctl disable bonescript.socket
systemctl disable bonescript-autorun.service
systemctl disable avahi-daemon.service
systemctl disable gdm.service
systemctl disable mpd.service
shutdown -r now


echo ' ' > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-remoteqth.rules
chown debian:www-data /etc/udev/rules.d/99-remoteqth.rules
chmod 664 /etc/udev/rules.d/99-remoteqth.rules



vim /etc/crontab

and paste

# xplanet
*/15 *  * * *   debian      /home/debian/remoteqth/script/
*  *    * * *   debian      /home/debian/remoteqth/script/


ln -s /home/debian/remoteqth/script/.xplanet /home/debian/.xplanet
mkdir /usr/share/xplanet/images
ln -s /home/debian/remoteqth/script/.xplanet/images/sun.png /usr/share/xplanet/images/sun.png


set config

sed -i s/DEVICE=\"parport0\"/DEVICE=\"\"/g /etc/default/cwdaemon


set access

chown pi:www-data /etc/ser2net.conf
chmod 664 /etc/ser2net.conf