ACC Keyboard for Open Interface III

This revision is from 2017/12/10 00:47. You can Restore it.

This keyboard plug in Open interface III with IP switch realize low latency (<4ms with ethernet switch) IP control 16 output relays in two bank. BankA switch each each independet output on/off. BankB switch always one output from eight available. BankA is upper line switch buttons, BankB bottom line.


Keyboard functionality enable in Open Intrface III firmware with enable below variables to 1

boolean ACC_KEYBOARD    = 1;          // Shift in/out register via ACC
boolean KeyboardAnswLed = 1;          // Keyboard Led shown answered UDP packet from IP RemoteSwitch

Also must be installed and configured ethernet module

boolean ETHERNET_MODULE = 1; // enable ETHERNET module (must be installed)

and IP Switch with ESP32-GATEWAY in local network with DHCP

boolean RemoteSwitch    = 1;          // IP controled remote RemoteSwitch

devices are pair in network automaticaly.

How ID are use on actual selected band, determines table in firmware

int BandToRemoteSwitchID[12] = { /*
IP Switch
 0-7  */
  0,  // band 0 (no data)
  0,  // Band #1 [160m]
  0,  // Band #2  [80m]
  0,  // Band #3  [40m]
  0,  // Band #4  [30m]
  0,  // Band #5  [20m]
  0,  // Band #6  [17m]
  0,  // Band #7  [15m]
  0,  // Band #8  [12m]
  0,  // Band #9  [10m]
  0,  // Band #10  [6m]
  0,  // Band #11  [2m]